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高中英语语法与题型-高中英语作文.pptx 59页

文章作者:佚名    时间:2024-01-09 09:05:35


思维导图破解高中英语 第41讲 读后续写万能造句法;;;;;【考纲解读】提供一段350词以内的语言材料,要求考生依据该材料内容、所给段落开头语和所标示关键词讲行续写(150词左右),将其发展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。【原题分析】1.原文材料350词以内,所续写文章150词左右。2.原文多是情节丰富的记叙文,偶有少量的议论文。3.原文给出10处左右的标有下划线的关键词语,所续写短文应使用5个以上。(※新高考地区暂时没有这个要求)4.续写部分分为两段,每段开头语己经给出。;读后续写的困扰1.不会编故事。2.编了故事,却不会转化成英文句子。3.时间分配不合理。;读后续写三步解题法读→编→造;第一步:读读出原故事的六要素 (相当于抓住原故事的主题和重点);第二步:编依据原文中的六要素,用中文编新故事(原则:时间/地点/人物不变,起因/经过/结果顺承);直白原则:什么人做什么事。情况1:编中文句子,非常简洁直白,符合“什么人做什么事”,可直接进行下一步:翻译。情况2:编中文句子比较复杂,或者中文句子有文采,先要做“简单化”处理,再翻译。【注意】①一个根本原因:英语句子的表达比较直白。

②一个理念:之所以有时句子翻译不出来,不是因为你英语差,而是因为你中文水平太高!;如何简化按照“什么人做什么事”的模式简化中文句子举例:1.两个黄鹂鸣翠柳。简化:两个黄鹂在柳树上唱歌。 Two sing amid the .2.整个晚上,他们载歌载舞。简化:整个晚上,他们唱歌和跳舞。 All night long, dance and sing. 3.先帝创业未半而中道崩殂。简化:在实现梦想之前,你爸爸死了。 Your died his .;第三步:造翻译 & 造句 ;唯一的万能公式(★★★★★)原理解密/实战演练/变通思维;时间/地点/过渡,sb,with sth in one's hand,doing sth2,did sth1, doing sth3, () ….某某时间(地点),某个人,手里拿这个啥,做着第一件事儿的同时,做了第二件事,同时还做着第三件事,感觉如何如何,(或看上去如何..)....;万能公式原理解密状语前中后的位置;举例:1.当我有时间,我就会学英语。

When I have time, I will learn . I will learn when I have time. I,when I have time, will learn .2.我找到了钱包,感到很开心。 happy, I found the . I found the , happy. I, happy, found the .;万能公式实战演练----手把手教你写句子;万能公式:时间/地点/过渡,sb,with sth in one's hand,doing sth2,did sth1, doing sth3, () ….简单句:【例】他救下了这个小女孩。He saved the girl. ;第二步:找材料 (每一句耗时目标:30秒-2分钟)对照着万能公式,从左到右,依次找出状语,添加到简单句的前、中、后。(30秒想不出,就进行下个小部分) ;万能公式内容解密 ①时间本质:编“时间”的本质是编“动词”!;时间/地点/过渡,sb,with sth in one's hand,doing sth2,did sth1, doing sth3, () ….参考答案:After he ran into the room, he saved the girl. into the room, he saved the girl.He , into the room, saved the girl.He saved the girl, out of the room.(如果写在后面,动作需要重新找,如 her to );万能公式内容解密②地点如何“编”出地点:①方法一:参考文中给出的关键词(划线词)②方法二:自己根据句意自己编【为什么地点可以参考划线词:划线词的秘密】划线词绝大部分是名词,而动词很少甚至没有。


原因:动词推动故事情节发展。动词如果是划线词就会限制考生的想象力,这与读后续写的初衷是违背的。;时间/地点/过渡,sb,with sth in one's hand,doing sth2,did sth1, doing sth3, () ….【参考答案】In the villa(别墅),he saved the girl.;万能公式内容解密③过渡词SHOOT过渡SHOOT:/ / / Of /To one's ,操作步骤:如果短时间内自己有更适合的过渡词,且保证能写对的情况下,就用自己的。如果没有思路,就在这五个里面挑选。;时间/地点/过渡,sb,with sth in one's hand,doing sth2,did sth1, doing sth3, () ….【参考答案】To our , he saved the girl.;万能公式内容解密④with+道具四种选择:with sth. in one's sth. on one's a smile on his/her the help of sb.【例句】她站在那里,脸上带着微笑。

She stood there, with a smile on her face;时间/地点/过渡,sb,with sth in one's hand,doing sth2,did sth1, doing sth3, () ….【参考答案】He, with the help of a , saved the girl.;万能公式内容解密 ⑤情绪TOADS 癞蛤蟆 SWAN天鹅;时间/地点/过渡,sb,with sth in one's hand,doing sth2,did sth1, doing sth3, () ….【参考答案】He saved the girl, .;万能公式内容解密⑤万能结尾句Tired as he was, he felt it , for he had made a great to the .【说明】读后续写的文章结尾需要正能量,而前面的故事情节一般会有曲折。


所以这个万能结尾句能用上的可能性比较大。;万能公式变通思维一、状语的位置可以变化: 只要是状语,在三个位置上,都符合语法要求。如:① With a in my hand, I the room.② I, with a in my hand, the room.③ I the room with a in my hand.二、状语的数量可以加减: 万能公式提供了最完整的状语的形式,具体写作时不太可能写这么多,也没有必要。;第三步:搭房子(每一句耗时目标:30秒-1分钟)把自己想象一个“造句”工程师,清点状语材料,从中选2-3句,分别放在句子的前、中、后的位置上。【注意】①调整的依据:前后句式的特点,尽量避免句式重复。②包含有换线词的状语,当然要留下。③根据这篇文章的难易程度、自己所剩下的时间或自己的熟练度,决定最终的句子是写在答题纸上还是草稿纸上);时间/地点/过渡,sb,with sth in one's hand,doing sth2,did sth1, doing sth3, () ….He saved the girl.;特别注意1.强烈建议:在看读后续写的材料之前,先把:总公式、万能结尾句,with+工具,toads,swan,shoot,操作三步骤等全部写在草稿纸上。

2.每一段的5个句子如何整体设计?直接引语:1句短句或并列句:1-2句长句:2-3句(前面学习的重点)(长短句可以交替)3.时间如何分配(参考)?读:5分钟编:10分钟。造:20分钟。(越来越熟练后,打草稿的时间会越来越少);样题解析第一步:读——原文内容;A funny thing to when he was on the way to work one day. As he along Park near the First Bank, he heard the sound of to start a car. He tried again and again but ’t get the car . and at the face of a young man who . and asked, “It looks like you’ve got a ,” said.“I’m so. I’m in a big hurry and I can’t start my car.”;“Is there I can do to help?” asked. The young man at the two in the back seat and then said,” . If you’re sure it ’t be too much , you could help me get these into a taxi.”“No at all. I’d be glad to help.”The young man got out and took one of the from the . After it on the , he to get the other one. Just as up the first and , he heard the long loud noise of an alarm.;It was from the bank. There had been a (抢劫)!Park had been quiet a . Now the air was with the sound of the alarm and the of from all . Cars and the the crowd in front of the bank. asked each other ,“What ?” But had a ., still the , to look at the bank and right into the young woman in front of him.;She at the and then at him. was .” Why is she at me like that?” He . “The ! She I’m the bank thief!” at the crowd of . He , and , he to run.注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

; 1:As he was , heard the young man ,“Stop,stop!” 2:The taxi in front of the and ...;1.年轻人汽车发不动2.帮忙搬箱子3.银行发现被盗、周围一片混乱4.

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